

Off-Day Conditioning - 092420

Posted by Max Lucas on Sep 24 2020 at 11:09AM PDT

Thursday, September 24th, 2020


4 × 800m at an easy-moderate pace

Rest 1:00 between sets

800 meters would be two laps around a track, or roughly four laps around the parking lot at the pool. It should take roughly somewhere around 4-6 minutes per 800m. If you can’t figure out a way to measure distance, you can run 4 × 4:00 ez-mod pace instead. Keep your running pace between easy and moderate, and try to be consistent for all four sets. If you are an experienced runner or have been running several times per week, you can run these moderate to fast if you want to.

My times were 3:56/3:58/3:58/3:36. I ran the first 3 moderate and decided to run hard on the last set to see what my time would be at a fast pace, so I have that information for future workouts.

As we discussed on zoom this past week, make sure to warm up and cooldown/stretch before and after! :)


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